Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Los Barriles, BCS

La Paz isn't a pretty place except for the fake "authentico" facade they glued onto their waterfront that is just too transparent. Its a commercial port city so I blew down the coast south 100 k's (I've coverted to metric) to a little fishin' village (that is unfortunately becomming a real town) I'm familiar with and like.
Mex is like Arg - everything just takes longer to accomplish... but I managed to find and buy a ticket for tomorrow's ferry to Mazatlan before leaving town.
I'm staying the night at Martin Verdugo's fishing "resort" (the place I go fishin' with my dad) in Los Barrilos then back to La Paz in the morning.
Today was a rest day so a beer on the beach seemed appropriate followed by dinner with frustrated fishermen - the bite's not on and the wind is blowing (bad things). It is strange to see only two boats in the water - in the summer there are about 40 moored 25 meters offshore.
The moto is running good and is well configured and comfortable, if a bit heavy. So far I've put 2050 km on the clock with a moving average of 85 km/hr (1270 mile @ 53 mph.)
The days are getting longer and warmer.
Not many kilos traveled but a good day.

via BlackBerry