Sunday, February 1, 2009


To celebrate my most recent brush with fate I walked 10 blocks to buy a remarkably good bottle of cheap wine at the local semi-supermercado (more like a dry goods store as they have no power/refrigeration) and took a stroll on the beach. Nice.
When I got back La Sinora offered to make me dinner while her husband fired up a generator and then lit the pilot for my hot water heater. Nicer.
An hour later I'm clean and mama walks in with fried salmon, (where she got fresh fish in a town without power is a mystery but it was great), potatos, salad and bread. Muy bueno!
Just to reiterate - not a scratch on me (can't say the same for Mr. Moto) although I could probably use an adjustment from my chiropractor in BsAs after two weeks in the saddle. Life is good.
via BlackBerry