Saturday, September 20, 2014


I rolled into Brasilia yesterday and checked into a 4 star hotel,  as compared to the frightful dump I found last night.   I spent 1/2 the day cleaning up and getting new set of (pricey) Metzler Tourance tires installed; all I  could find.
What a strange and interes city,  I can't decide if it's a 20th century architectural wet dream or nightmare.   Either way,  it's HUGE and impressive.    Trip adviser listed the Number One attraction as a church; I swore I'd never visit another Cathedral in South America,  but I have to admit it was worth the visit.   I arrived as the sun was going down and Saturday evening mass was beginning so I experienced it as it was designed.   The entire building is constructed of blue stained glass -  360 degrees.
After a week I've finally begun to develop an ear for Portuguese, admittedly my Spanish sucks but I get bye -  it's a bummer having to travel as a deaf mute again.
My Zumo died a final death so I picked up a cheap substitute -  my bad -  going to have to hunt around eBay for a replacement Zumo. 
Argentinos: I haven't been commanded to present my "Documento"  since I entered the country,  not to check into 5 different hotels,  not when using my credit card to buy US$ 512 tires,  never.   And they don't constantly honk their horns,  at all,  never.
I'm probably going to press on via the center of the country despite the fact that it is BORING - I had hoped to see more jungley stuff but they've  logged and burnt  all the forests and are turning the forests into the Imperial Valley - I'm pseudo-committed now (literally in the middle of nowhere) and speeding North will give me more time cruising the coastal route when heading  South.
Brazilians are happy people (but they don't all look like the pictures you see from Rio de Janeiro,  got to work on that )
from my phone.