Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tupangato to Parque Provincial Aconcagua and Puente del Inca, Mendoza, Argentina

We've been intentionally staying in little villas/pueblos - last night we made our way to Tupungato where we stayed in a family-run cabana outside of town and then walked in for dinner.
This morning, in keeping with this trip's tradition, we headed for a great stretch of dirt back roads ending in a quaint little town for lunch. Then we hit the highway heading for the main border crossing with Chile and started climbing.  Our destination: Parque Provincial Aconcaqua. 

Besides the scenery we met a guy with a great VStrom story that we ended up riding with the rest of the day.  On the way down the mountain we stopped at a wide spot in the road called Puent del Incas where there is some strange geology going on, took a foto and pressed on...

Later we headed toward Mendoza and cruised through Argentina's Napa Valley - the harvest is near and it looks like a great one this year. Before hitting Mendoza we pulled into the little town of Lujan de Cuyo.

Tomorrow we begin meandering toward Buenos Aires via Rio Cuarto where we've been invited to a birthday bash.

via BlackBerry