Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ongoing - getting ready

In case you hadn't heard I'm heading south in January. Leaving Santa Barbara en route to Buenos Aires via about 12 countries on my moto. Should take a couple of months.
I registered this domain and set up my blog today: eventually i'll migrate this to the url: (to be spoken in a strong mexican accent and pronounced with "nEEk".
hopefully i'll figure out how to blog and upload fotos directly from my blackberry while on the road... mucho mas funner!

Last night I loaded my new Garman Zumo 550 toy with two shitloads of maps and some tunes; so far it's pretty impressive; it's entirely too polite when it talks to me.

Today I installed some new ProTaper handle bars (the stock ones bend when I tested gravity last week) on the moto and hardwired the GPS mount. Since I was running wire the length of the bike I ran an extra set for... something. The Zumo is an interesting toy when installed - i hope it works as I'm not bringing any maps - gotta retain some sense of adventure.
I also upgraded to Google Earth Plus which allows me to upload the data from the GPS to a map and have it display the course/route taken which I can then publish/post here. It even has this little plug-in that allows you to play the route while viewing speed and altitude. Google: who'da thunk it!
Too much tech?... tal vez. More later.