I arrived Buenos Aires just in time for New Years - I was traveling with the max allowable luggage but only three changes of cloths (literally).
I brought down a set of tires (not available here), a fender to replace my cracked front, a new fairing to replace a Bolivia damaged piece, a new chain, a spare seat (I'm taking the custom one home to use on the new bike), a heated grip kit and controllers (I'm never doing altitude again in the rain with freezing hands), a front fork brace (it shakes at speed with the agressive 50/50 tires - I learned the hard way in Mexico), new brake pads (super grippy HH front and rear), new waterproof outer gear and riding jacket (a lesson from Peru), misc small parts and hardware, slime, two cameras, two new laptops (I'm a tech mule for friends when I come south) --- they sell kitchen sinks and chain lube here so I didn't bring those althought I should have brought a new front chain sprocket...
I had the tires and chain put on and have installed the rest of the parts over the last week. Walter, my amigo that has the same bike, has been a great help. Last weekend we ripped the front end off to replace many parts and tighten every nut/bolt/screw I could touch.
Today I installed a switched circuit and the heated grips/controller - then found some old lumber laying around that I crammed it under the engine guard with the rear wheel hanging off a curb to get the back wheel off the ground so I could change the dogbones in the rear suspension - this gives it an extra inch of lift in the back - the weight of the bags will take care of that.
Then I rushed to Palermo Viejo to meet German for beers and to put the finishing touches on route planning. He has traveled far and wide down here and had some great advise.
The plan is to leave Tuesday morning for the east coast - then follow that south until there isn't any more. At Ushuaia, Argentina I turn around and head north along the spine of the Andes toward Valparaiso, Chile. That should take about 3 weeks or so and then I'll head back across the continent to Buenos Aires via Mendoza for some wine and Cordoba to visit with friends. Then I'll check into a hospital for a tune up. Actually, I need surgery to repair a broken tendon in my right shouler (torn rotator..) - getting young is a bitch.
Last time I traveled I thought I would/could map out the journey - that concept lasted about 4 days - this time it's a little less specific: drive south then north by northwest, then east.
Most of the work is done and about the only thing left to do is change the oil and pack - more later...