I worked on the bike all morning. Ripped off all the tuperware and the tank, drained a gallon to clear any possible water, flow rate from pump was good. Cleaned the air filter (K&N), this was the probable culprit. In the valley it likely would have been fine but running at 100+ kph at 14,000 feet eats alot more air... Also changed the oil and cleaned everything I could - I oil the chain daily so it creates alot of nastyness which I normally ignore. Haven´t cleaned the exterior since I left California - thought was that it would attract less attention;futile anyway so it will pull into Buenos Aires looking its age. No fotos from the shop fun because I was working in a little garage in old Cusco and by the time I though of taking a picture I was filthy as were the wrenches working there. Ran it on a quick high RPM test and it feels normal.
I crossed my fingers and checked out of Cuzco. I am heading toward Puno on another high altitude twisty road through the Andies. Took this foto at about 4200 meters - the scenery is fantastic.
Because I got a late start I pulled into a little town (Santa Rosa) at about 5 pm - the next place was just too chancy and dark clouds were forming. I´ll be in Puno tomorrow morning, weather permitting, and besides, I´m not in the high-miles mode.
I am the only guest at the only hostel in town - no hot water or heat but I´m getting used to it. Rate is 8 soles or about U$S 2.60.
A good week!